Wednesday, February 08, 2006


It has come to my attention that the phrase "blow up the sauce" has been used to link to my ever so plain blog. For those of us that tend to be on the less than observant side, you'll take note that i suggesting blowing up your CAR, WITH the sauce. Whatever that means, i have yet to discover. It was however the third random phrase that popped into my head when signing up for this deal (the first two were actually taken...either that or outlawed due to questionable content. unfortunatly i have no recollection of them and can't check for myself)

Since "sauce" has been used to refer to the wife of a certain missionary friend (i guess she's a missionary too), i am required to make the following statement: I in no way intend to blow up the mrs. of mr. and mrs. tim sery. While it may be exciting or provide the world with an interesting internet video, the very thought of doing so is, well, messy. So, long story short, no need to worry. Unless i find an explosive substance referred to as "the sauce". If and when that happens, i suggest locking your car.


Blogger Tim & Sara said...

you're a weird guy, ace.
-the mrs.

7:25 AM  

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