Monday, March 20, 2006

Expanding my horizons

Every time i read a blog that has a fake conversation in it i laugh. an example:

me: what's that on your head?

unarmed stranger: excuse me?

me: your head. its got something on it.

embarrased pedestrian: really? where? what is it?

me: on your nose. i'm not sure what it is, but its shaped funny. kinda like a hammer head shark, only in a bikini.

confused citizen: ...

me: for real g. here's a mirror.

englightened converser: you moron, thats my nose.

me: no way. no person's got a nose like that. wait, let me refrase; no non-mutant has an beak like that.

enraged citizen (noticably more muscular than originally assesd): let me introduce you to my fist. it likes kissing faces of idiots. hard. and repeatedly.

Anyway, you get the idea. This is fun, so i'm gonna try one more.

Actually i'm not. I tried to start up a couple (Dennis Leary meets the purple teletubby, Dennis Leary meets Barney, Superman meets his banker) but i petered out after the first line. this is hard work. hard work i'll save for another day.


Blogger Alexis said...

It might be hard work, but you can't deny that it's rewarding. Someone should try to have that conversation and see what happens, then it wouldn't be fake. Of course, I would do it, but I don't speak Croatian well enough.

11:09 PM  
Blogger Brian said...

I think babbling croation sounding noises at them will help facilitate a similar outcome of the fake conversation.

Good luck, and let everyone know how it turns out!

9:17 AM  

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