Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Thanks Google!

Because i'm a bit of a nerd, i was looking at the various pages that linked people over to my blog. The latest was a google search for "funny cussing" (8th down on the list, not bad!). Naturally i wanted to see what the internet defines as funny, so i clicked on one site, then proceeded to read about the latest missions fund drive campaign. i laughed, so i figured i'd share.

  • Here you go
  • Friday, August 11, 2006

    We're real bad dudes. seriously. stop laughing.

    I was at hollywood video last night and came across this casting blunder. Edison Force. In my opinion, the picture says it all.

    Put yourself in the board room on this one.

    "Alright. We've got an idea for a movie where we need to form an elite special force of street wise cops to save some random city from destruction. now the questoin, who do we cast?"

    "LL Cool J. he did well in mind hunters and SWAT, this should be old hat for him."

    "I like it. who else?"

    "Morgan Freeman."

    "Isn't he kinda old?"

    "yeah, but we can comb his hair all crazy like and make him the eccentric but knowledgable veteran."

    "i guess so. who else?"

    "Kevin Spacey."

    "What? the guy from American Beauty? isn't he more of the 'artistic crazy introvert' type, or maybe the 'derranged villian that acts normal until he gets pissed and goes nuts and ends up trying to destroy the planet' type?"

    "granted. but he's got quite the teeny bopper following. my daughter says he's 'wicked hot'. then again, my daughter just spent $200 on toe cream."

    "whatever. ok, so we've got a pretty well known cast, but i think we're lacking in the area of toughness. we really need to pick someone who exemplifies toughness, a mans man, someone who makes you think, "crap, if i look at that dude wrong he'll rip my eyes out, throw them in a bowl of grapes and bet me $10 i can't find them" type. any ideas?"

    "Justin Timberlake"

    "you're fired."

    Thats it. Hollywoods got their finger on the pulse of america.

    Monday, August 07, 2006

    Semi-Annual introspective post!

    I've been swimming in the mornings at the YMCA for the last couple months. I came out at sunrise the other day to one of the staff members raising the American flag up the flag pole. As i was watching, i noticed a man and his wife, both probably somewhere in their 60's, watching the same thing. He was saluting, and she had her hand over her heart. As soon as the flag was raised, they continued on their way.

    there's really not a whole lot more to this. it just got me thinking about how many of us forget what a blessing it is to live in this country, and how many men and women have given their lives in the past to make our way of life possible.

    And i saw this picture on the internet today.

    Tuesday, August 01, 2006

    Things that make work alright

    As i was walking past some guys cube this afternoon, i overheard the beginning of his phone conversation:


    "Hey Bill! This is Ted. i was just calling...."

    i didn't hear the rest. I was stifling a laugh from the thought of a now middle-aged 80's stoner recounting past excellent adventures with old friends.